CD / Copywriter



With the elusive and discerning Gen Alpha and Gen Z audiences turning away from sport due to pressure, we strategically leveraged the stage of the Super Bowl in Las Vegas, intentionally leaning into the highest pressure moment in football, to unveil adidas’ new campaign messaging: YOU GOT THIS.  

Forget throwing balls over a house, we took it to Sphere with Patrick Mahomes, creating a world in which he plays catch—as no-pressure as it gets—with his younger self, without actually needing Mahomes himself.

By curating a collection of footage and combining with some of the most innovative minds and proprietary technology around, we constructed a compelling computer-generated visual representation of Mahomes, without disrupting his incredible season. We successfully identified a body double capable of replicating his actions, and worked with his actual throwing coach to perfect his movements.


Extending the Campaign

To extend the creative beyond Sphere, we incorporated an anamorphic football thrown into the Vegas sky, caught by other adidas athletes across the country, including Julio Rodriguez and Anthony Edwards. This expanded our campaign story, creating a cohesive experience across platforms and broadening our audience reach by 35 million.



Our hero drone video achieved staggering results, with 96.5 million views on Instagram and 58.8 million on TikTok, solidifying its place as the highest-viewed content not only across adidas channels but on Sphere, Patrick Mahomes’ and adidas US football’s channels as well. It even eclipsed Messi’s historic World Cup victory, becoming a standout moment in adidas’ content history. The “epic catch” extensions garnered 36.7 million views, securing its position as the second-best-performing content across adidas channels, underscoring the widespread resonance of our storytelling approach.

Featured Press

The campaign sparked a global conversation, garnering attention from:
Complex Sports
Sports Illustrated
The Score
Complex Sneakers
Nice Kicks
Campaign US
Sports marketing personality Jordan Rogers delivered a rave review, further amplifying the campaign’s impact.


Awards & Honors

Shorty Awards - 2024
Sports Single Post or Activation

Hashtag Sports Awards - 2024
Best Branded Content

The Drum Marketing Awards - 2024
Best Use of OOH